The officers are elected by the membership every two years or when an office becomes vacated in the interim period. Members will be polled for interest in running for any office in advance and voting will take place if there is more than one candidate.

Current List of Officers can be reached at: [email protected]


Primary Duties:

·        Negotiates with the golf courses for date of play, time of play, number of player, any special player considerations such range balls, and cost of play.

·        Negotiates contracts and terms when applicable

·        Finalizes an annual league schedule for publication to the league membership

·        Confirms play date details as per negotiated agreement several weeks in advance of play date which triggers the opening of sign-ups

·        Creates guest registration for course sign-ups and links for webmaster

·        Provides the course the initial count on the Friday the week prior to play, facilitates changes with the course during the week, confirms/secures tee times, and hole assignment for the upcoming event, if applicable

·        Coordinates Final Roster with Handicap Master and Treasurer

·        Responsible for leading officers to maintain League health and standards

·        The official representative of the League.


Primary Duties:

·        Collects annual dues from 5Gs members and keeps membership records.

·        Prepares an annual 5Gs league budget.

·        Authorizes and pays all 5Gs league expenses.

·        Tracks member league credit/debits and posts updates on the website.

·        Prepares a weekly tournament pairing list early Firday morning with the t-times for the golf course.

·        Communicates the pairing list to the Webmaster so it can be posted on the website and copies the President and Events Coordinator.


Primary Duties:

·        Runs the weekly SKINS events and any other special events for the tournaments.

·        Sets up and plans for all 5Gs special tournaments.

o   Sends out email announcements to members for upcoming Special tournaments.

o   Negotiates with the course for any special requirements needed for a special tournament.

o   Negotiates with a hotel for a block of rooms, hospitality suite and a place to hold the awards ceremony for out of town tournaments.

o   Hosts (or arranges for a host for) an awards ceremony for all special tournaments. The Host (or representative conducts the tournament scoring and presents prizes.

o   Hosts (or arranges for a host for) a hospitality suite for out of town 2-day tournaments.

·        Arranges plan to hold a Calcutta bidding event prior to the year end scramble. Books a restaurant, negotiates for an event room and a food/drink agreement. Arranges for an auctioneer and distributes a Calcutta rules and information package to members.


HANDICAPS Martin Valdez

Primary Duties:

·        Sets up and maintains a website with the assistance of the other Officers for members that will allow them to:

·        View their current handicap

·        Signup & review their signup for upcoming tournaments

·        See the upcoming schedule of play

·        See t-times and pairings for the next tournament

·        See information and updates concerning 5Gs special tournaments

·        Learn 5Gs league rules and policies

·        Read 5Gs news items

·        Review 5Gs members list and see handicaps and statistics.

·        See results of past tournaments

·        Calculates, maintains member play history and handicaps while assigning players course handicaps each week