Rules for Determining
the Allocation of TofC Points
GGGGG of A Golf League
Introduction: The GGGGG of A Golf
League (“5Gs”) tracks points earned by its members who have played in its
tournaments during a specific time of the year.
These are termed TofC (“Tournament of Champions”) points, and are used
as one of the methods in determining which club members will participate in the
league’s annual Tournament of Champions event (the other methods being top two
finishers in specifically identified “Special Tournaments”, the “Skins”
champion, and the previous year’s TofC champion). Since the league’s weekly tournaments have
several different formats during the year, there is a need to codify the
methodology used to allocate these TofC points for the various tourney formats.
General Rules:
1.) TofC points may only be awarded to league
members who play in tournaments held in the October 1 to September 30 (or
October 1 if a league tournament is held on that date) time frame. A player’s year-to-date TofC score will be
based on the average of the 12 lowest TofC tourney scores played during the
12-month timeframe. In order to qualify
for the TofC year-end playoff, a player has to have played in at least 12
tourneys in the 12-month timeframe in which TofC
points are awarded.
2.) No TofC points will be awarded to a player
(guest and/or inactive member) who participates in a Calloway flight of a
tourney. This applies even if the person
subsequently joins the league.
3.) TofC points will be awarded to all of the
members starting and finishing their rounds in a given flight.
4.) No TofC points will be awarded for
participation in “Skins” events.
5.) The 5Gs website will post an updated TofC
points standing following every tournament which qualifies for TofC point
allocation so that members may see where they stand in the competition.
Specific Format Rules:
Regular Low Net Tournaments:
TofC points
will be awarded to participants in each tourney flight (except Calloway), based
on the number of participants in each flight, as determined ahead of time by
the person scoring/running that particular tourney. Members who subsequently do not show up to
play or who do not finish their round, for whatever reason, shall not be given
any TofC points.
The 1st place finisher in each flight will be awarded 1 TofC
point. The 2nd place finisher will receive 2 points, and so on until
Item 3 of the general rules is
satisfied. Ties in place finishes will
be broken by applying the league’s “Lowest Gross Score in Relation to Par” rule,
beginning with the course’s #1 handicap hole, and progressing in order until
the tie is broken. It is understood that
ties between male and female competitors shall use the appropriate male and
female handicap holes.
Tournaments Having Both Team and Individual Participation:
like the Cider Cup, in which all members participate in both individual
low net and team competition, shall have TofC points awarded solely on the
basis of the individual low net competition as they would be in a regular low
net tourney. No additional TofC points
will be awarded based upon team competition results.
Special 2-Day Tournaments:
Tournaments, like Tubac and San Diego, will have TofC points awarded as in a
standard low net tourney for each day of competition separately. There will be no TofC points awarded for
2-Day cumulative scores (except that the 2-Day low net winners automatically
qualify for the TofC event).
Drafted and
approved: January 3, 2012